“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert”
Isaiah 43:18-19
Addiction Treatment Center

Faith Farm is a Christian ministry whose purpose is to restore and transform lives through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Faith Farm is dedicated to evangelizing the lost, discipling the saved, and sending the discipled to live for God.

Our Founder and History
A Legacy and Vision
Faith Farm ministries was established in 1951 by Reverend Garland Eastham. From its inception the church began providing comfort, shelter, food and Biblical counseling to homeless and destitute men. During its very active and energetic history, Faith Farm Ministries has continually addressed the needs of homeless and addicted men and women.
The Faith Farm Ministries of Fort Lauderdale Rescue Tabernacle, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) not for profit corporation, as defined by the Internal Revenue Service. Support is received solely through private gifts and donations. The three Faith Farm stores sell new furniture and gratefully accept for re-sale donations of used furniture, clothing, hardware, and other household items. We also accept donations of cars, boats, art, cash and estates. All items are tax deductible as allowed by law.
A Legacy and Vision
- Administration
- Boynton Beach Campus
- Ft. Lauderdale Campus
- Okeechobee Campus
- Eastham Women's Campus
- Board of Directors

Meeting her husband in the dorm, a “preacher’s kid,” she gained mentorship from her in-laws and church leaders associated with their Gospel radio and outreach ministry. PK has certifications in Pre-Marital and Marriage Counseling, Ethical Leadership, Chaplaincy, and a Master of Divinity: Professional Chaplaincy-General Christian Leadership and Church Ministry by graduating Suma Cum Laude from Liberty University. She is presently a PhD candidate in Bible Exposition at Liberty. She is a member of The Association of Christian Ministers, Evangelical Theological Society, and Omega Nu Lambda national honor society. PK has various management experience, including an extensive coaching background.
God has blessed her with a love for the underrepresented and those in personal need. In 2015, her husband went to be with the Lord. At that time, God called her away from basketball and into servanthood to the Body of Christ and homeless community. Her motto is to meet all people at their point of need. As an ordained minister of the Gospel and Professional Chaplain, PK speaks at women’s conferences, prayer meetings, teaches various Bible studies, works with Kairos Prison Ministry, The Emmaus Walk, and street ministry.
She has a deep heart for God, and in service of Christ by discipling, mentoring, and teaching the Word of God from various systematic theological prospectives in a matter-of-fact way. PK has two adult sons, a young granddaughter, and two pre-school grandsons. Her objective at Faith Farm is to be a shining beacon of light, impart the hard truth, encourage, and provide a new lifestyle in Christ to the women of the program. She lives by the verse, “Nothing is impossible with God,” Luke 1:37.

In 2023, Darlene and her longtime partner, Jose, were married at Faith Farm's Tabernacle in Fort Lauderdale, FL. After battling addiction together for 13 years, they found freedom through faith in Jesus Christ.
Darlene then entered an internship and family recovery program. It was during this time that she discovered her calling to help women in addiction. She is now pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Counseling at South Florida Bible College. Her goal is to use her life experiences to help lead women who are still trapped in the devastating grip addiction.

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